Docusaurus Authentication using Google Firebase

A guide on how to add authentication to your Docusaurus website utilizing Google Firebase

Docusaurus Authentication using Google Firebase


Docusaurus is an excellent documentation generator tool that doesn’t support authentication out of the box. If you want to read about the roadmap of this issue and get to know more about what we want to achieve, please refer to my main article here.


The main goal of this article is to provide a step-by-step guide on how to add a simple authentication layer to Docusaurus using Google Firebase.

Please find the more advanced authentication flows using Docusaurus and Google Firebase here.

Getting Started

Before starting the tutorial, I assume you have a basic understanding of React and how Docusaurus works.


  • A Google Firebase account

  • A running Docusaurus website using the steps provided in the main website

Installing packages

After initializing your Docusaurus project, it is time to install the necessary packages:

npm i firebase@^9.22.0 react-firebaseui@^6.0.0 docusaurus-plugin-dotenv@^1.0.1

The command above will install a few packages respectively:

  • firebase: Firebase JavaScript library for web and Node.js

  • firebaseui: The Firebase UI library used in the login page

  • docusaurus-plugin-dotenv: A Docusaurus plugin that allows you to access your environment variables

Update docusaurus.config.js

Go to your docusaurus.config.js file and update the plugins list:

// docusaurus.config.js

plugins: [
        path: "./.env.local",
        systemvars: true,

❗️Be careful about the below points regarding the above configuration:

  • path will look for the .env.local file which is needed for test purposes on your local machine.

  • systemvars should be set to true if you would rather load all system variables as well (useful for CI purposes). If it is not the case for you, please set it as false.

Google Firebase Setup

In this section, we will see how to create a Google Firebase to satisfy the requirements.

  1. Go to the Google Firebase console. If prompted, enter your credentials.

  2. Click Create a project.

  3. In Create a project (Step 1 of 3), enter a unique Project name and press Continue.

  4. In Create a project (Step 2 of 3), no need to change anything, just press Continue.

  5. In Create a project (Step 3 of 3), change based on your needs or leave as default and press Create Project.

Now you are in the Firebase project dashboard and it is time to create a web app in the Firebase project.

  1. Click on the button highlighted in the image below:

  2. In Step 1 (Register app), fill up the App nickname and click on Register app.

  3. In Step 2 (Add Firebase SDK), note down the information provided and press Continue to the console.

Let's add the Authentication service to our app.

  1. Click on the button highlighted in the image below:

  2. Click on Get Started.

  3. We want to let the user to sign0in using email so on the section Sign-in method, click on Email/Password.

  4. In the section Sign-in providers, enable Email/Password and press Save.

  5. As you see, now the users can sign in using email and password.

Docusaurus Setup

This section contains all the changes and new files needed to be added to the Docusaurus website. I suggest going through the previous steps to set up your Google Firebase before starting this section.

Final Directory Hierarchy

Here is the final directory tree which mostly shows the changes added/modified to the Docusaurus project. Use it as a reference.

├── docusaurus.config.js
└── src
   ├── components
   |  ├── Auth
   |  |  └── index.js
   |  ├── Loading
   |  |  ├── index.js
   |  |  └── styles.css
   |  └── Login
   |     ├── index.js
   |     └── styles.css
   ├── config
   |  └── firebase-config.js
   ├── theme
   |  ├── Navbar
   |  |  ├── Content
   |  |  |  ├── index.js
   |  |  |  └── styles.module.css
   |  |  └── MobileSidebar
   |  |     └── PrimaryMenu
   |  |        └── index.js
   |  └── Root.js
   └── utils
      ├── constants.js
      └── utils.js

Docusaurus Swizzling

Docusaurus has an advanced feature called Swizzling which allows the developer to go deeper into the Docusaurus lifecycle and provides more flexibility to the developer.

To make our website be able to utilize sign-up/sign-in flow, we need to swizzle three components:

  1. ROOT: The <Root> component is rendered at the very top of the React tree, above the theme <Layout>, and never unmounts. It is the perfect place to add stateful logic that should not be re-initialized across navigation (user authentication status, shopping cart state...).

  2. Navbar: To show the Login/Logout button in the Navbar on top of the website.

    • Desktop: To show the button in the Desktop view.

    • Mobile: To show the button in the Mobile view.

To swizzle the above components, you may use the instruction from Docusaurus or follow my guide to add the required files.

Check here for the final directory hierarchy.

Adding Required Files

This section will provide the changes or additional files required for this project.

🔔 On the first line of each code block, you can find the relative path of the file.

  • Environment variables: Contains all the variables used in the application. I've provided some explanations for each variable.

      ## .env.local
      # For Auth / General Use
      # The main domain for Firebase authentication
      # Firebase project ID
      # The storage used in the project (indirectly)
      # Messaging service for the default app or a given app
      # The App ID for the Docusaurus website integration
  • firebase-config.js: Contains the definitions needed to set up Google Firebase.

      // src/config/firebase-config.js
      export const firebaseConfig = {
        apiKey: process.env.FIREBASE_API_KEY,
        authDomain: process.env.FIREBASE_AUTH_DOMAIN,
        projectId: process.env.FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID,
        storageBucket: process.env.FIREBASE_STORAGE_BUCKET,
        messagingSenderId: process.env.MESSAGING_SENDER_ID,
        appId: process.env.APP_ID,
  • Root.js: Here we wrap the main <Root> component using a custom component called <AuthCheck>.

      // src/theme/Root.js
      import React from "react";
      import { AuthCheck } from "../components/Auth";
      export default function Root({ children }) {
        return <AuthCheck children={children} />;
  • Auth: In this file, we check if the route requested is private or not.

    1. If the route is protected and the user is authenticated means user variable has a value, it will redirect to the requested page.

    2. If the route is protected and the user is not authenticated means user variable does not have a value, it will redirect to the login page.

    3. If the route is login or logout, it will redirect to the base URL.

    4. Otherwise, the path is not protected and will redirect to the requested page.

      🔔 We show a loading animation while we wait for the Firebase to authenticate the user.

       // src/components/Auth/index.js
       import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
       import firebase from "firebase/compat/app";
       import { onAuthStateChanged, signOut, getAuth } from 'firebase/auth';
       import { Redirect, useLocation } from "@docusaurus/router";
       import { firebaseConfig } from "../../config/firebase-config";
       import { Login } from "../Login";
       import Loading from "../Loading";
       import { BASE, LOGOUT_PATH, LOGIN_PATH, PROTECTED_PATHS } from "../../utils/constants";
       export const auth = getAuth();
       export function AuthCheck({ children }) {
           const [user, setUser] = useState(null);
           const [authLoading, setAuthLoading] = useState(true);
           useEffect(() => {
               onAuthStateChanged(auth, (user) => {
           const location = useLocation();
           let from = location.pathname;
           if (authLoading) return <Loading />;
           if (user?.email) {
               if (from === LOGOUT_PATH) {
                   return <Redirect to={BASE} from={LOGOUT_PATH} />;
               } else if (from === LOGIN_PATH) return <Redirect to={BASE} from={from} />;
               return children;
           } else {
               if (from === LOGOUT_PATH) return <Redirect to={BASE} from={from} />;
               else if (PROTECTED_PATHS.filter(x => from.includes(x)).length) return <Login />;
               else if (from === LOGIN_PATH) return <Login />;
               return children;
  • Login: This page will be shown when the user needs to log in or be redirected to /login page. Additionally, I wrote a CSS file tied to this page that aligns the login component vertically in the page.

      // src/components/Login/index.js
      import React from "react";
      import { auth } from "../Auth";
      import StyledFirebaseAuth from 'react-firebaseui/StyledFirebaseAuth';
      import firebase from 'firebase/compat/app';
      import 'firebase/compat/auth';
      import './styles.css';
      // Configure FirebaseUI.
      export const uiConfig = {
          signInOptions: [
      export function Login() {
          return <div className="auth-wrapper">
              <StyledFirebaseAuth uiConfig={uiConfig} firebaseAuth={auth} />
      /* src/components/Login/styles.css */
      .auth-wrapper {
        margin: auto 10px;
  • Loading: This is a ready-to-use component that shows a loading animation while we are waiting for the Firebase to authenticate the user instead of showing a blank page. Additionally, there is a CSS file tied to this component.

    🔔 You can use any loading animation you want.

      /* src/components/Loading/index.js */
      import React from "react";
      import PropTypes from "prop-types";
      import "./styles.css";
      const Loading = (props) => {
        return (
          <div className="overlay">
            <div className="overlayDoor" />
            <div className="overlayContent">
              <div className="loader">
                <div className="inner" />
      Loading.propTypes = {};
      export default Loading;
      /* src/components/Loading/styles.css */
      .overlay {
        position: fixed;
        top: 0;
        left: 0;
        width: 100%;
        height: 100%;
        z-index: 100000000;
      .overlay .overlayDoor:before,
      .overlay .overlayDoor:after {
        content: "";
        position: absolute;
        width: 50%;
        height: 100%;
        background: #111;
        transition: 0.5s cubic-bezier(0.77, 0, 0.18, 1);
        transition-delay: 0.8s;
      .overlay .overlayDoor:before {
        left: 0;
      .overlay .overlayDoor:after {
        right: 0;
      .overlay.loaded .overlayDoor:before {
        left: -50%;
      .overlay.loaded .overlayDoor:after {
        right: -50%;
      .overlay.loaded .overlayContent {
        opacity: 0;
        margin-top: -15px;
      .overlay .overlayContent {
        position: relative;
        width: 100%;
        height: 100%;
        display: flex;
        justify-content: center;
        align-items: center;
        flex-direction: column;
        transition: 0.5s cubic-bezier(0.77, 0, 0.18, 1);
        background: #fff;
      .overlay .overlayContent .skip {
        display: block;
        width: 130px;
        text-align: center;
        margin: 50px auto 0;
        cursor: pointer;
        color: #fff;
        font-family: "Nunito";
        font-weight: 700;
        padding: 12px 0;
        border: 2px solid #fff;
        border-radius: 3px;
        transition: 0.2s ease;
      .overlay .overlayContent .skip:hover {
        background: #ddd;
        color: #444;
        border-color: #ddd;
      .loader {
        width: 128px;
        height: 128px;
        border: 3px solid #222222;
        border-bottom: 3px solid transparent;
        border-radius: 50%;
        position: relative;
        animation: spin 1s linear infinite;
        display: flex;
        justify-content: center;
        align-items: center;
      .loader .inner {
        width: 64px;
        height: 64px;
        border: 3px solid transparent;
        border-top: 3px solid #222222;
        border-radius: 50%;
        animation: spinInner 1s linear infinite;
      @keyframes spin {
        0% {
          transform: rotate(0deg);
        100% {
          transform: rotate(360deg);
      @keyframes spinInner {
        0% {
          transform: rotate(0deg);
        100% {
          transform: rotate(-720deg);
  • Navbar Desktop: Nothing changes on this component except we want to add Login/Logout to the Navbar.

    The reason we don't add the button using docusaurus.config.js is that the text should switch between Login and Logout based on the fact that the user is authenticated or not.

    So, we override useNavbarItems() function and use the modified function placed src/utils/utils.js.
    Additionally, there is a CSS file tied to this page which is the original one captured from the swizzling component.

    The same change happens in Navbar Mobile as well.

      // src/theme/Navbar/Content/index.js
      import React from 'react';
      import { useThemeConfig, ErrorCauseBoundary } from '@docusaurus/theme-common';
      import {
      } from '@docusaurus/theme-common/internal';
      import NavbarItem from '@theme/NavbarItem';
      import NavbarColorModeToggle from '@theme/Navbar/ColorModeToggle';
      import SearchBar from '@theme/SearchBar';
      import NavbarMobileSidebarToggle from '@theme/Navbar/MobileSidebar/Toggle';
      import NavbarLogo from '@theme/Navbar/Logo';
      import NavbarSearch from '@theme/Navbar/Search';
      import styles from './styles.module.css';
      import { useNavbarItems } from '../../../utils/utils';
      // function useNavbarItems() {
      //   // TODO temporary casting until ThemeConfig type is improved
      // return useThemeConfig().navbar.items;
      // }
      function NavbarItems({ items }) {
        return (
            {, i) => (
                onError={(error) =>
                  new Error(
                    `A theme navbar item failed to render.
      Please double-check the following navbar item (themeConfig.navbar.items) of your Docusaurus config:
      ${JSON.stringify(item, null, 2)}`,
                    { cause: error },
                <NavbarItem {...item} />
      function NavbarContentLayout({ left, right }) {
        return (
          <div className="navbar__inner">
            <div className="navbar__items">{left}</div>
            <div className="navbar__items navbar__items--right">{right}</div>
      export default function NavbarContent() {
        const mobileSidebar = useNavbarMobileSidebar();
        const items = useNavbarItems();
        const [leftItems, rightItems] = splitNavbarItems(items);
        const searchBarItem = items.find((item) => item.type === 'search');
        return (
              // TODO stop hardcoding items?
                {!mobileSidebar.disabled && <NavbarMobileSidebarToggle />}
                <NavbarLogo />
                <NavbarItems items={leftItems} />
              // TODO stop hardcoding items?
              // Ask the user to add the respective navbar items => more flexible
                <NavbarItems items={rightItems} />
                <NavbarColorModeToggle className={styles.colorModeToggle} />
                {!searchBarItem && (
                    <SearchBar />
      /* src/theme/Navbar/Content/styles.module.css */
      Hide color mode toggle in small viewports
      @media (max-width: 996px) {
        .colorModeToggle {
          display: none;
  • Navbar Mobile: Nothing changes on this component except we want to add Login/Logout to the Navbar.

    The reason we don't add the button using docusaurus.config.js is that the text should switch between Login and Logout based on the fact whether the user is authenticated or not.

    So, we override useNavbarItems() function and use the modified function placed src/utils/utils.js.

    The same change happens in Navbar Desktop as well.

      // src/theme/Navbar/MobileSidebar/PrimaryMenu/index.js
      import React from 'react';
      import { useThemeConfig } from '@docusaurus/theme-common';
      import { useNavbarMobileSidebar } from '@docusaurus/theme-common/internal';
      import NavbarItem from '@theme/NavbarItem';
      import { useNavbarItems } from '../../../../utils/utils';
      // function useNavbarItems() {
      //   // TODO temporary casting until ThemeConfig type is improved
      //   return useThemeConfig().navbar.items;
      // }
      // The primary menu displays the navbar items
      export default function NavbarMobilePrimaryMenu() {
        const mobileSidebar = useNavbarMobileSidebar();
        // TODO how can the order be defined for mobile?
        // Should we allow providing a different list of items?
        const items = useNavbarItems();
        return (
          <ul className="menu__list">
            {, i) => (
                onClick={() => mobileSidebar.toggle()}
  • constants.js: This file contains the most important constant values giving easier management of the project.

      // src/utils/constants.js
      export const LOGIN_PATH = '/login';
      export const LOGOUT_PATH = '/logout';
      export const AUTHENTICATED = 'authenticated';
      export const BASE = '/';
      export const LOGOUT_BUTTON = "Logout";
      export const LOGIN_BUTTON = "Login";
      // Add the protected paths here
      export const PROTECTED_PATHS = [BASE];
  • utils.js: Contains a function to add Login/Logout buttons to the Navbar.

      // src/utils/utils.js
      import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
      import firebase from "firebase/compat/app";
      import { onAuthStateChanged } from "firebase/auth";
      import { useThemeConfig } from "@docusaurus/theme-common";
      import {
      } from "./constants";
      export function useNavbarItems() {
        const [user, setUser] = useState(null);
        useEffect(() => {
          onAuthStateChanged(firebase.auth(), (user) => {
        let label, to;
        if (user) {
          label = LOGOUT_BUTTON;
          to = LOGOUT_PATH;
        } else {
          label = LOGIN_BUTTON;
          to = LOGIN_PATH;
        // TODO temporary casting until ThemeConfig type is improved
        // return useThemeConfig().navbar.items;
        let items = useThemeConfig().navbar.items;
          label: label,
          position: "right",
          to: to,
        // remove irrelevant items
        if (user) items = items.filter((x) => x.label !== LOGIN_BUTTON);
        else items = items.filter((x) => x.label !== LOGOUT_BUTTON);
        const uniqueItems = [ Map( => [x.label, x])).values()];
        return uniqueItems;

Source Code

You may find the complete source code of this project here.

🔔 The code repository shared above consists of a few branches that all are related to the Docusaurus Authentication using Google Firebase. Though, you can find the changes for this article in the branch called main.

❗️DO NOT upload any .env to your public repository.

To run the project on your machine, you only need to fill up the .env.local file as described WITH YOUR VALUES.

To use your .env values in production, you need to add them to your hosting.

Below I listed a few hosting options and how you can upload your .env variables as well.

Authentication for Specific Route

Please refer to it here.

Authentication using Social Providers

Please refer to it here (coming soon).

Adding limitation to SignUp/SignIn flow

Please refer to it here (coming soon).

Complete Docusaurus Authentication Series

Please find the complete roadmap here.

In this series, I will provide a step-by-step guide on how to add an authentication layer to your Docusaurus website using well-known auth providers like AWS Cognito, Google Firebase, Auth0, etc.

Also, you can find more advanced auth flows for complicated scenarios as well.


In the end, if you find the articles useful, don’t forget to support me at least with a message :)

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